
Thank you for your interest in this book. To offer you the most value, it makes a few assumptions, namely that you are:

-A professional translator

-Looking to improve your freelance business

-Looking for ways to secure higher paying clients

The tips, techniques and strategies shared here have the potential to boost your profit levels significantly, and in a very short space of time. The tips brought together here are the most provably efficient that I have come across in many years of research while practicing as a full-time freelance translator, agency owner and ‘internet start-up founder-type’.

If I had employed these tips myself at the start of my freelancing journey I doubtlessly would have spent less time and effort on reducing living costs and working overtime just to stay in business.

A certain amount of time should be factored in to allow some of the concepts and working relationships to evolve, but most strategies offered here are immediately workable. I’m hoping that this book will give you a shortcut to realising the true value and opportunities that you can offer to new and existing clients. In doing so, you will increase the chance that your business will continue to survive and grow long into the future.

Just as with any investment, starting early is best in order to reap the compounding benefits of improved reputation and income. I’ll be as concise as possible, as our time is our most valuable asset and I would not assume to waste yours. Hopefully the book is laid out clearly enough to help you to zero-in on what matters most to you, but as the book sets out an overall strategy, I recommend you read all chapters to ensure you get the most from the approach.

If you have any further questions, or if you would like to tell me what has worked for you, do let me know. I will be periodically updating this book with fresh ideas and reinforcing any strategies with case-studies, so your input is always welcome.

This book aims to help you by:

1.    Giving you new ideas for how to find the best new clients

2.    Giving you the confidence and justification to raise your rates

3.    Showing you how effective copy can drive sales

4.    Saving you money on ‘SEO experts’ and web developers

5.    Showing you high ROI tools to streamline your business

6.    Freeing up time for you to live, while increasing your income

7.    Simplifying the marketing and sales process

8.    Calculating the true value of your professional time

9.    Giving you a systematic checklist of actions to work through

10.Reducing stress with finance, health and planning advice

After you have read the various chapters on how to streamline and improve your business you will find interviews with 12 established translators who share their many experiences in sales and marketing.

They all offer a different perspective on how to run a sustainable translation business, and you are free to consider the ideas that best apply to your situation. Perhaps you’d like to focus on trade-shows, social media, or business card networking. The choice is yours, but the overall approach offered by the book should tie the individual tactics together into a coherent strategy for growth and stability.

Book a 25 minute chat, or a rant, any subject, from two office hours slots available daily: Office Hours
