
These interviews with a dozen established translators round off the book by relating how other translators sell and market their businesses. You will see a variety of methods used, from handing out business cards whenever possible to embracing social media in all its forms, cold letter-writing and much more.

Each translator was asked the same questions on a variety of topics such as strategies for raising rates, using tools for productivity and gaining new clients. I asked some of the translators to answer an additional question or two to elaborate on their particularly interesting experiences with blogging, social media and productivity tools. The interviews are only ‘lightly’ edited in parts, so as to retain the voice of the individual translators.

The questions:

-         How did you get started in freelance translation?

-         What have you done to increase your rates over time?

-         What has been your single most effective sales strategy?

-         Do you have a favourite 'type' of client?

-         What was your most successful project ever, and why?

-         Do you ever negotiate on rates?

-         What is your ideal next investment in order to grow your business?

-         Which tools have most impacted your profitability?

-         Do you have any advice for others looking to raise their rates?

And with that, I leave you in the very capable hands of our translation colleagues.

Book a 25 minute chat, or a rant, any subject, from two office hours slots available daily: Office Hours
