Twitter, translation, #xl8, success

Looks like the twitter hashtag #xl8 is being used by folks around the world on a daily basis, some 10 months after I first proposed it to some of the more active members of the twitter translation community.

Composition: in the technical language of IT the ‘x’ is sometimes used to represent ‘trans’ (XMIT/XFER). The much loathed txt spk accounts for the last part of the tag. And there you have it. Four characters. Helps translators to find each other in the deluge of daily tweets.

Here’s the tweet I made back in January:

Instead of a mailing list, then, does anyone think #xl8: a translators hashtag would be worthwhile? How to start it?

Book a 25 minute chat, or a rant, any subject, from two office hours slots available daily: Office Hours

Published by and tagged translation using 120 words.
